Whats It Worth To Ya?
SPARE SOME SUGAR, MR. BARRY: Residents of Ward 8 across the Anacostia River, say they feel safer than they did years ago. People are out walking their dogs. Great views of the Capitol Building. In fact, they are surprised by the robbery of the tax-evading Mayor-For-Life Marion Barry, who was robbed after allegedly carrying a neighbor's groceries into an apartment house in the 2600 block of Douglas Road SE.This gets the DC Bubble thinking. What would it be like to be Marion's neighbor. Only a mile away from the scene of the crime at corner of 16th and U Sts. SE, for sale is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath detached house. A whole house for $300K.
If this Victorian were in NW instead, you likely would be paying at least that for a one bedroom. With the Anacostia house, you get parking. Patio. Close to the Metro. Seems like a steal. Ok poor choice of words.
DC Bubble believes it is time for people who say "NW only" to take a hard look at Anacostia. Columbia Heights: missed that opportunity. Petworth: forget it. H Street: discovered.
Anacostia is the next big thing. Follow Marion. He knows a good thing. He is a night-owl after all. Allegedly.
DC Bubble is not responsible for any errors, claims or assertions made in this posting.
January 5, 2006
Posted by
9:39 PM
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